We're hoping to announce a date soon to celebrate the opening of our outdoor classroom. We're delighted to have the structure available for the pupils and we have already seen it as a brilliant place for children to engage with the outdoors.
Since Term 4 we have been running an outdoor mentoring scheme on a Friday. Through this we have been fortunate enough to employ an experienced teacher every Friday to work with three classes (1 before break, 1 after, 1 in the afternoon). We have found this to be great professional learning for teachers, allowing them to see how the outdoor classroom & outdoor learning can be incorporated into the curriculum. By the end of Term 6 every class in the school will have had a series of lessons in this way. We hope very much to do something similar in the new academic year so that children are guaranteed regular learning outdoors.
We also run forest schools once a week for a small group of children. Children are selected by their class teacher for Forest School and over the coming terms we hope an increasing number of children will get the opportunity to take part in this.