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Young Carers

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A young carer is someone under 18 who looks after someone. It might be a parent, grandparent, sibling or close relative. Young carers often provide practical and emotional support such as cooking, cleaning, shopping, personal care and medication as well as simply being there for company and love.


Young carers can be found in families where there are:


  • physical disabilities or long term illness;

  • mental health problems;

  • family members who misuse alcohol or drugs;

  • multiple problems


At Monkton Park Primary School, we want young carers to be recognised, feel supported and know they have someone to speak to if they need help.


If you are a parent who thinks their child could be a young carer and needs a bit of extra support you can talk to your child's teacher or Young Carer Lead Jen Marshall on


Parents and carers can also make a direct referral for their young carer through MASH by calling 03004560108 or


For more information about support for Young Carers, you can take a look at the website:


Am I a young carer short video:


Summer 2023 Young Carer magazine:

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